Monday, November 19, 2012


Since its thanksgiving and all I thought I would write out some things I am thankful for.

  • My children. I know most people say this and I am sure its true for them too but for me its a little different. After 5 years of dealing with infertility and every infertility treatment under the sun I had come to the realization that we would probably never have kids. Being crushed month after month finding out I wasn't pregnant was hard. Watching all your family and friends get pregnant before your eyes sucked bad. Finding out I was pregnant with the first was the most amazing feeling in the world. 
  • Cora. I know it sounds funny but I am so thankful I got my little girl. Not only did I get my girl but that I am raising her in a way that hopefully won't make her a bitch. This may sound crazy but I was told from some one that who has a little 1 year old girl that because there girl is a girl and will be raised as a princess. The poor girl isn't allowed to play with any boy toys  or anything that isn't princess like. That is just crazy to me. Cora's favorite toy is a car she drives around our house, after putting the car down she runs to her doll and gives it a hug.
  • The best husband in the world. Sure our parenting views don't always match but I will say that we are on par with most things. For 2 people who were raised completely differen't we have come along way with finding those things that work for him from up and me too and brining that in to how we raise our kids. He is my best friend and the worlds best dad.
  • Birth to 3. I have to be thankful for this with out it Oliver would still be a whining mess who didn't know how to talk. Every day for the last 8 months Oliver and now Cora too have gotten speech therapy. I have not paid a single penny for it. If it wasn't for birth to 3 I don't know what we would have to there is no way we could afford private speech therapy.
  • Health. Each one of my kids and my family is healthy. I couldn't ask for more. I have never once even had to bring my kids in to the doctor for a sick visit. 
  • Being able to spend this thanksgiving with my grandma. Her health is failing her and this probably will be the last thanksgiving I will get to spend with her. This woman is my rock she is my heart. Losing her will crush me but for now I will cherish the time I have with her.
  • Being able to be stay at home mom. For the first 4 years of Carter's life, first 3 of Oliver's life and 1 year of Cora's life I have been able to stay at home with my kids and watch them grow. I have witnessed all those first I never wanted to miss. I have been here for them in a way my mom could have never been there for me. Its time for me to re-enter the work force and I am ok with that I am ready for it.
  • We have a roof over our hear and food on our table we have lots to be thankful for.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Couple random things.

1. T-mobile throdeled my internet speed becasuse I went over 5G this month. Ugh its worse then dial up. Well at least I don't have to pay our corupt phone company here in town. Seriouisly they are the worst.

2. I have a super cute picture of all 3 of the kids in it but I can't share it quite yet. Its damn cute though trust me.

3. Little Reese is doing amazing for just having gone through brain surgery. Yesterday she got out of bed in to a therapy chair and then later sat up in bed all on her own. Today she cuddled with her mom for the first time in 7 days. She is even getting her sass back with is totally her. My friends have raised an amazing $17,000 for her in less then a week they are so cool peeps I tell ya.

4. I had to order some prints for a client and it gave me a chance to order some much needed prints for my self. Seriously you would think because I am a photographer I would have pictures all over my house. That is totally not the case. I have 4 tiny 8x10's up and a couple 5x7's. I finally got around to ordering that really big print I have wanted. We had our family pictures taken by the awesome Cathrine Jeteter Photography back in March and I just haven't gotten around to printing any of them off except for a lousy 8x10. Anyways go big or go home. Here is what I ordered today the big one and the pink one are from Cathrine the others I took. The big one is 20x30!

5. Kind of goes with #4. I love my printing place for many reasons but there shipping time and cost is outstanding. I ordered the prints at 6 am this morning by 8am they where done in production and ready to be shipped. If I wasn't lazy and it didn't cost me money I could have drove the hour it takes to get to the place and picked them up. Instead I will wait for them to get here tomorrow. Yes I said that right the very next day. Also shipping is free and they also give you a sucker with your order. I don't think Walmart can beat there prices. (I just looked and Walmarts 8x10's and 5x7's cost more.) I am cheap but prints are just not something I want to look crappy. Walmarts pictures suck bad. Seriously do not go to walmart or walgreens or target or any other place like that. If you are looking for a great consumer lab go to Its not who I use because I use a pro lab but I have used them in the past and they were great!

6. I am loving that the election is over. Thank god for no more add on TV, my mail box, radio, and every where I go. I called it I knew Obama would win. I am not sure how to feel about it but I am in no means ready to jump off a bridge like many of my friends on Facebook were on Wednesday morning.

7. My grandma. Ugh where do I start with her. She is my world dude this lady is awesome probably the coolest grandma's around. Her health is failing her and it sucks I just hate to see it. This week she went to stay with one of my aunts because she didn't feel good. A couple weeks ago she lost her eye sight in one eye. She now takes something like 15 drops in her bad eye every day. Problem is she can't see anything to put the drops in. She basically needs care during all waking hours. I think she is starting to realize her time living at home is done. Where she goes from here I don't know.

8. Cora had speech today and did awesome! She was actually making noises and stuff. No she wasn't saying words but hell she was trying and that awesome to me.

9. Parent teacher conferences are next week. I am scared for what Carter's teacher is going to say. Carter is a shit head at home. I have asked her many times since school started and she always says he is doing great. He has had a lot of issues on the bus but his teacher keeps telling me he is not like that at school. Its seriously a ticking time bomb I know one day he will be a shit head at school too. Oliver I am not worried about he is a cute little 3 year old who can do no wrong in most people's eyes. Not mine but most people.

10. This is the worst one of all. We are putting on of our dogs to sleep tomorrow. I can't write much more because the tears will start flowing for the millionth time today. Its hard it sucks and I hate it. Our dogs were our babies long before we had kids. Gabby is only 7 and because of shitty breading her health is bad and well I don't want her to suffer. We have explain what is going to happen to Carter and he totally understands and honestly doesn't care. He actually asked to put another one of our dogs to sleep with Gabby because he thinks she is getting to old too. Tonight at dinner he asked if we can get a new dog next week. Um ya no buddy sorry we still have 2 other dogs. I know he wants a dog he can play with and well old pugs are just no fun to play with but we wont be getting another dog for many years.

11. Jim's birthday is next week and I know what I am getting him and I am excited about it. Its something he needs kind of and he would never spend the money on it him self.

And with that I leave you with this. Can some one please tell me when my baby all of a sudden became a teenager?

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Before and After

And this is why folks you hire a real photographer.
1. Target, Sears, portrait introversion ect do not edit.
2. Shoot and burners die out quickly they also don't edit usually and if they do it looks like crap.
3. They also do not make sure everything is perfect before it goes to print.
4. You will always be a customer number to them. My clients are my friends.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Just some randoms of Cora

I took Cora out a couple weeks ago to take some pictures while it was still warm out. Just wanted to post some here. My girl is just getting way to freaking big! I no longer have a baby in the house and will never again.

Keeping her in my thoughts

Yesterday a good online friend of mine heard the words no parent should ever have to hear. Their 2 year old daughter has a large brain tumor. Little Reese is in surgery right now to biopsy the tumor right now. Please keep this spunky little girl and her amazing parents in your thoughts as they start this journey no parents should ever have to go through.

There is a fund set up for her to help pay for what ever they may need to pay for during this process. In less then 24 hours there has already been $7000 in donations. I have an amazing group of photo friends!

If you would like to donate please do so I am sure this family can use any help they can get at this point. Please go here for the donation page. Prayers for Reesey 

 Here is Reese's mom's blog

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Halloween at the Bighley House

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Picture Dump.

I will never be a world famous blogger because of the fact I forget about it to easily! No time for words but here are some pictures of the kids from this last week.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Ready or Not.....

The paper work is done. Clothes bought washed and ready. Backpacks are filled. The boys are ready. Me I am not so sure. I thought I was ready. Crap I have been excited for this day for months now. Finally a couple hours for me and my girl to spend together alone. This mommy is a bit freaking out right now. I am sending my boys to the big world out there. Oliver's just to little for this he isn't even 3 yet! How is anyone going to understand him? Are they going to know he is saying potty when he needs to go. Is he going to miss me. Will he make friends. Will he learn to actually play with kids? Ugh I am so worried about my little baby boy. He isn't suppose to be starting preschool for a whole another year yet. But here we are starting school today. Sending them off to the unknown.

Then there is Carter. There isn't a single kid in his class he really knows. There is one kid he kind of knows a little bit but hasn't even played with that kid in over a year. We see them here and there and say hi but that's about it. Though they are really alike so I could see them becoming friends. I wonder what Carter is going to do when he sees Oliver in the hallway. There class rooms are right across from each other.  I hope Oliver doesn't cry for him or something. Knowing my boys they will see each other and act like they don't know each other lol. I am so proud of Carter and who he has become. He is suck a great big kid. He was the perfect baby. Didn't cry unless he was hungry. Never met a stranger in his life. Just an all around happy perfect baby. The toddler years he was a terror. Seriously some of the worst days of my life were spent pregnant with Oliver and chasing Carter around. No at 4 the only thing I can complain about is his attitude. Other then that he is a great big brother to Cora, a great helper, a great learner. He is just so full of wonder and ready to tackle this world head on.

We did go to the schools open house last week and that went good. Carters teacher had a little treasure hunt where he had to find different things in his class room. He found the bathroom and drinking fountain, the book nook, his mail box,  his cubby, and spot at his table.  His teacher seemed really nice and I did like her. She seemed young but she is a Mrs. so she is old enough to be married I guess. Oliver's teacher seemed ok just a bit clueless. Carter's teacher was all dressed up nice for the open house which honestly you should when you are meeting all these new parents and such. Oliver's teacher had on frumpy jeans and a old tee shirt. I should give her the benefit of the doubt though she was just hired 9 days before. Oliver's teacher is even younger fresh out of college. We will see how it goes with her. I did mention that I wanted daily correspondence with her in the form of a note book and she totally agreed so that is good. She said she planed on doing it for all of the 6 kids in his class. She did say I could call or email at any time too. There is an aid in his class and she seemed really cool and she was dressed up all cute.

Its just crazy 5 years ago I thought I would never be able to get pregnant and today I am sending 2 our of my 3 off to school. To many first in one day for this nervous mommy. First day of school, first bus ride, first friends, first teachers.

I just want to rewind time and cuddle them again, smell the newborn goodness, and never let go.
Carter 1 week old.

Oliver just hours old.

Thankfully I have many years (3) until I have to send Cora off to school. Gosh I want to bottle up her baby cuteness right now.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Begging for Votes

So I never enter my kids or my pictures in to contest. I had to do it this time the prize is amazing its a 2 night stay in a really cool hotel in Wisconsin Dells. Jim and I have been there but we really want to take this kids because we know they will love it. We just haven't been able to because its really expensive and honestly we just can't afford it.

Anyways the contest has been going on for like 2 weeks now and we are all the way down to 6th place. We need more votes. So if your reading this can you please please take a second and go vote for Cora.

This is the picture I entered so look for this. Its not hard to find we are the 6th picture down at this moment.

All you have to do is go here. Chula Vista- Facebook click and like the page and then go down to Cora's picture and click the box next to vote.

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Cora's summer favorites

Last year Cora was this little blob who laid in on a blanket in the shade all summer long. Since she was born so early she was tiny all summer long. I bet she weighed between 4lbs and 8lbs the whole summer. This summer she was ready to hit the ground running. Here are some of Cora's favorite things that happened this summer.

Swimming- Cora LOVED to swim like her mom and her brother Carter she is a water bug! Problem is she hated her little float thing and did not want to be held she just wanted us to let her go and swim on her own. Ya not going to happen little girl.
 Cora learned to stand on her own in June. It took a good month for her to take off and walk. Trust me there is no stopping her now. This little girl just wants to explore.
Cora and mommy love the green grass. With winters so long here we don't get to enjoy the green grass long.
And the flowers (yes I know these are really weeds.)
She loved camping, just had a blast. We went with my cousin, her husband and there kids girls. All 5 kids loved every second of it. To bad I forgot to charge my camera battery before we left. This is the only picture of the whole weekend with my good camera.
This summer we ran in to a large amount of horses. Cora loves any animal that is going to give her attention. After 3 kids in 3 years our dogs are totally over little kids, you would think they would run and get out of her way but nope they sit there and take her torture
Cora must have really liked the sun because she has some major tan lines. (mommy fail)
Most of all I think Cora's favorite part of summer was spending it with her brothers. <3

Friday, August 17, 2012

19 Days.

I think I may be a bit more excited then the boys are. In 19 days both boys will start school. Carter is starting the normal 4K program and Oliver is going in to the Early Childhood education. Oliver's speech has come a long long way in the last 6 months we have been with birth to 3, but its still not quit up to par yet. Actually in the last month he has had a huge huge huge growth in speech. 6 Months ago at 2 1/2 years old Oliver had around 8 words, now Oliver is telling us I don't want to and its not nap time yet 2 more minutes. Its crazy how far he has came. We are guessing some where around 300ish words. Its amazing how far he has come. 6 months ago all he did was whine whine whine. Now he is starting conversations with us.

Oliver is still not caught up with kids is age although he is almost there. The day you turn 3 you age out birth to 3. The day you turn 3 you age in to the school district. Oliver doesn't turn 3 until October but I got the call yesterday that they are letting him start at the beginning of the year. Oliver will go to school 4 days a week Monday- Thursday and afternoons so 2 1/2 hours a day. He will also get picked up by a bus. This is huge and honestly quit scary to me. I just see him as such a baby and maybe its just me but I don't know if I am ready to start school.

I talked to Amber our speech therapist today, she was the speech therapist for the school last year so she knows a little bit of the ins and outs about how it works. She told me there usually is little communication between the parents, teacher, and speech therapist there. This worry's me a little bit I mean its not like he can talk that great how am I suppose to know whats going on at school. I have decided to get a notebook and have the teacher write each day or maybe even once a week what they are doing and working on.

Carter is starting 4K. School isn't anything new or exciting to him. Maybe he will be more excited when its gets closer but right now he isn't acting excited about it at all. Carter did Preschool last year at a private place so this year and this school is new to him. Also new to him is he is going 5 days a week this year. Last year it was only 2 days a week. Another new thing is he is riding the bus. I think this is going to be hard on him. Oliver and Carter are both going to school at the same place and same time but they have to ride different buses. From what I am being told Oliver's bus is only for the Early Childhood kids so only 3 year olds will be on Oliver's bus. Carter has to ride the bus with all of the kids ranging from 4 years old to 18 years old. I think this might be a little bit scary to him. If it was me I would be a little bit scared to. It will be interesting come the first day of school when he has to get on that bus. I could drive them to school every day its only a half of mile away but I would much rather not. It will be so nice come the middle of winter not have to get the van cleaned off and bundled up to bring them to school. I think the bus aspect is one of the things I am most excited about so I hope they do good on it.

Well we have 9 days left to get these boys ready for there new adventure. Wish me luck!

Monday, August 06, 2012

Deer and Cousins

We took the kids to a local deer farm called Fawn Doe Rosa. The kids had a blast. We went along with my cousin Trent and his wife Brittany and their 2 kids Brooke and Brodie. The kids all loved the place except for Oliver who was bit by one of the ponys.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Naked Baby

I got to meet up with a good photography friend of mine last night. It was hot but Cora didn't seem to mind. This location is to die for seriously perfect for little girls. Nicole has a super exciting shoot coming up with a bunch of little girls that I get to tag along with at this location and its going to be amazing! Since I never got around to taking 1 year photos of Cora right at a year we will call these her 1 year pictures even though she is now 14 months old.
All the kids slept in this morning so I got to edit the pictures from last night. Actually its 11 am right now and Carter is still sleeping.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Before and After.

This is why you go to a real photographer, one who knows what they are doing. Here is a before and after of a picture I took this morning. The before shot is what comes strait out of camera (SOOC) there is no editing done to it at all. Its a boring shot nothing I would ever hand on my wall. The after picture is totally and completely different I promise you at some point in time you will see it on my walls.
And just another cute one of my little girl :)

Preschool Graduation Day

What a bitter sweet day it was. It feels like yesterday when I was sending him off to his first day of preschool and now the year is already over. He is so so excited for next year and to go to his new school. I too am excited for next year. Oliver will be going to the same school. He was accepted in to the early intervention program. Carter and Oliver will go to the same school at the same time 4 days a week. Not only that but they will both ride the bus to school though they will be on different buses. I am so excited about it. I think going to school will really really help Oliver out.

Here are some pictures of graduation day I finally got around to editing and uploading.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Yesterday was frustrating to say the least. Its was 90 degresses out with like a million percent humidity uck. First thing we had to go was run to Target. While at Target I had the smart idea to get the kids a pool they all could fit in to because the one they have right now is just big enough for one baby, not 3 toddlers. So I pack up all 3 kids and we go to target. We get what we need and a new pool.

Get home put the kids down for naps and start blowing up the pool. 2 1/2 hours later using a pump the pool is blown up. What do I realized there are freaking holes form blowing it up on the bottom of the pool. I had promised the boys they could go in the new pool. So I pached up the holes with some tape. I wanted to do half cold water and half warm water so that Cora could use it but I couldn't get the hot water attached. I was so frustrated. We waited until Jim got home and he put some hot water in but not enough the pool was way to cold for her. She really didn't seem to mind though. Anyways this morning I wake up and half the pool is empy and the air is out of it. This is not something I did so today we are going back to target to get a new and better pool.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

In the back yard


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