Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I have been noticing latley that Cora has been nose breathing and snoring a lot. A lot of the same sympotoms Oliver had before his surgery. Anyways on Wednesday of last week I called and made an apt with an ENT for her. Some how they were able to get her in the very next day. Thursday we went in and the ENT said she needed tubes and adnoids. We decided to just get the surgery over with so I scheduled it for Monday. Friday we had to get a pre op phiscial done and that went great healthy as could be.

Monday came and surgery went great. What a difference from Olivers surgery. With Cora they let me go back in to the OR and let me stay the whole 30 seconds it took for her to fall asleep. Oliver they took him from me screaming in the pre op room. Surgery took about 40 mins from the minture she walked in the room until they came and got me. The actual surgery probably took 30 or so minutes. Before she was even awake they came and got me. I sat with her in post op for about an hour until they put us in a second stage post op room. Everything was going great she didn't seem in pain she drank apple juice and ate some pudding and they let us go. We were there less then 4 hours. We were actually home before nap time so we let her chill a little bit then put her down for her normal nap. She woke up fine at her normal wake up time. We went and got the boys from grandma's house and then went out to eat. While we were out to eat she wouldn't eat anything it was a buffet so I tried almost everything. She wouldn't even touch ice cream! She was getting a bit fusy at this time so we headed to Walmart to pick up her prescription of Tylonal with Codine in it. We gave it to her at the Walmart parking lot thinking by the time we got her home she would be nice and sleepy. She was so we put her right to bed when we got home. 2 or so hours later I went in to room and noticed she puked all over in her crib. Picked her up and she was burning up. After having a 103.5 temp and puking a couple more times we were off to the ER. Fluids, pain meds, breathing treatments, xrays and 6 hours later we were released from the ER. Fever wasn't gone but it was a low grade fever at that point. Get her home and in to bed at 4 am. She wake up at 9 and fever is back up to 103 ugh. I got it under controll with a cool bath and pain meds but it never went away just back down to low grade.

So here we are 3 days out and still with a fever and just plain feeling yucky. They are guessing she was ging to get sick and the surgery just fast tracked it or something like that. I don't about that but all I know is I want my sweet happy baby back.

First time off the couch or bed in 3 days.
 Still sick poor things pillow is nasty from all the yucky crap that is coming out of her.

Monday, January 07, 2013

5|365 Ear infections, Step Throat, Bronchitis, and Stomach Flu and Colds

Ear infections, Step Throat, Bronchitis, and Stomach Flu and Colds. They have all been in my house in the last 6 days. Its been a long long six days. Today I finally felt well enough to disinfect this house. We have to get rid of this crap. Carter missed school on Friday because he was sick and I am hoping he can go back tomorrow. He was throwing up today but when school starts tomorrow it will have been more then 24 hours for him. He finally felt well enough to eat dinner (and keep it down) said his stomach fine tonight and judging by the way he was acting tonight he must have felt better.

Meet my new best friend.
My poor little dude did this most of the day.

4|365 Lowes

We had nothing at all to do on Saturday so we cruised around Lowes. Nothing exciting at all was purchased just a stupid furnace filter. Oh the joys of home ownership. We did pick out a new vanity for our bathroom upstairs we need one really really bad but it was to expensive to buy then and there so it will have to wait.

Saturday, January 05, 2013


Thursday, January 03, 2013

Starting 365 yet again.

I think I have started a 365 4 or 5 times only to fail miserably in week 2 or so. Might as well try again.


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