Friday, August 24, 2012

Begging for Votes

So I never enter my kids or my pictures in to contest. I had to do it this time the prize is amazing its a 2 night stay in a really cool hotel in Wisconsin Dells. Jim and I have been there but we really want to take this kids because we know they will love it. We just haven't been able to because its really expensive and honestly we just can't afford it.

Anyways the contest has been going on for like 2 weeks now and we are all the way down to 6th place. We need more votes. So if your reading this can you please please take a second and go vote for Cora.

This is the picture I entered so look for this. Its not hard to find we are the 6th picture down at this moment.

All you have to do is go here. Chula Vista- Facebook click and like the page and then go down to Cora's picture and click the box next to vote.

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

1 comment :

  1. Hi! I found you via the link up on Kate Krull's blog. I noticed you are from the Twin Cities. My hubby and I lived outside the cities for a few years. He worked in Bloomington. I miss it there so much! I am from the same town as Lucy. We moved back home. Are you a photographer? You have some awesome pics of your children. By the way, I have a Carter too! Look forward to following your blog. Have a great day!



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