Wednesday, April 10, 2013


81 years ago today you were born. I bet they didn't know when you were born what a special person you would be to sooooo many people. 1032 hour ago we all lost you. I have never felt such a pain in my heart. You were everything to me. You were everything to a lot of people. You met the man of your dreams married him had 5 of his babies and all to soon lost him. You raised 5 children all on your own. This is amazing to me. I have 3 and I feel like I am drowning but you gracefully did 5 on your own. All 5 of those kids grew in to some great adults. Between the 5of they gave you 15 grand kids. 15 grand kids who could not have had a greater grandma. We were soooo lucky. I look at other families around us and they just are not like us. We always teased each other how weird our family is but under that teasing we are all so greatful because of you grandma you kept us all together. Those 14 cousins of mine are not really cousin but more like siblings.  You were a rock you made sure at least once a week we all saw each other. You kept us together. When there was things my mom just couldn't handle doing with me you were there. When this cousin or that cousin needed a stern talking to you had no problem doing it. When anyone us got in trouble we made sure you were the first to know. Sure we are a weird family but thank god for that.

When my mom showed us this house that was for sell I can say the biggest perk what that you were only a block away. The many hours I spent on your couch just chatting away bringing you dinner or stopping for a cup of sugar. Oh I miss that sooooo much. I just want to talk to you. There is nothing in particular I want to talk to you about just talk and have you talk back about the pointless thing stuff we talked about. Because of living so close to you my kids were able to get almost as close to you as I did as a child. They were forming that same bond and that was special to me. I'm so happy my kids got to realize what a special person you were.
You should have died that one day at regions but you didn't. I don't know why but you held on. Not only did you hold on but held on for 3 more months. 3 more months of being able to talk to you. I couldn't have asked for more. I think that's why when you did pass I felt better about it. I walked in to the nursing home that morning and my stomach dropped, I just knew it was time. I knew after Patty passing only 3 weeks earlier that you wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. That morning was wasn't scary or panicky it was your last lucid moments and weather you chose it or not you spent them with me. (and Cora) at least I got to "see" you one last time before you left us.

I miss you more then you could ever know. About a million times now I have picked up the phone to call you. I don't know if Ill ever get over that feeling but just know that every one is here thinking about you and missing you every single day. You were not just a grandma you were a best friend.

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