Saturday, January 21, 2012

The sweetest lady

So today we went to the gym. Its a normal every day occurrence but today was different.

We got there and I went to the back room which is a locked room that only certian people can access. It has a scale in it that I am using to weigh my self now. I get to use it because I am doing the biggest loser challenge. Normal gym people get to use the really crappy walmart's cheapest scale out in the hall way. The scale I use is super accurate and well probably super expensive. Anyways after weighing my self I came out out of there happy. 9 pounds lost in only the first 6 days of the biggest loser challenge. Awesome achievement if you ask me. So I get on the treadmill and start my work out. There was a lady next to me who just kept looking at me and smiling. I was creeped out I mean she was just like staring at me in what I thought was a weird way. I was on the treadmill for only 20 mins when the daycare people came and got me and told me Carter had yet another accident ugh he keeps having pooping accidents and they are really pissing me of so I was mad. Got the kids from the daycare and while we were heading out the door the lady from before ya the creepy lady stops me. She says to me that she wasn't trying to be creepy but she had noticed home much weight I had lost. She then went on to tell me how inspiring I am to her. I was no longer mad I couldn't be. That one lady has put a smile on my face. To me it seems like I haven't lost anything since we started at the gym I have lots a measly 17lbs. To me that's not enough and I totally don't see it but I am glad other people do. So because I don't see it I am making Jim take pictures of me tomorrow. Pictures show everything.

So the biggest loser has officially launched and I got the list of all the challenges. Tomorrow is the mile challenge. I am scared I can't run a mile if my life depended on it. I can run/ walk a mile. I will guarantee you I wont win this challenge. This is the hardest challenge on the list and lucky me they are starting with it and ending with it oh joy.

In other news Oliver has his last assessment with the therapy center. I called them for his speech issues and now he qualifies for speech, cognitive and occupational therapy. I should be getting a call in the next couple days to get together with all the therapist and figure out a schedule for when his therapy's will happen. I feel like all these assessments are a never ending thing. I just want my boy to actually talk that's all.

And with that I will leave you with some pictures of my mini me.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Wednesday, January 04, 2012

The biggest loser

So the gym is starting a new biggest loser competition. I have decided to sign my self up. A couple months ago I decided its time to lose weight so we bought a gym pass and started eating better and working out. I did great for about 2 months and lost steam. I did lose about 17lbs in that time frame. I lost steam bad its hard when I see dad drop all the weight super fast. Why can't I be like him. In 2 months he probably has lost 30lbs and is almost down to goal weight. All he has to do now is tone up ugh. Anyways to find motivation I am signing up for the biggest loser competition at the gym. It actually sounds like fun. Its starts Jan 15th and goes until some time in April. It will be 3 months of nothing but working out and eating totally right. I think I might even drop red meat for those 3 months. That will be killer on me but I am sure I can do it, and it will be totally worth it. The winner get 12 sessions with a personal trainer. I really really want to win that.

In other news Oliver has more speech therapy assessments this week. I couple girls are coming out on Friday to do more test with him. One is speech and one is OT. I thought from having the last girl here he already qualified but I guess not now he has to pass fail the next step and then he will qualify. What ever I am just ready to get the show on the road. The kid needs to learn how to talk some time right?

Carter and Cora have doctors apts on Friday. Carter is going in and I will talk with the doc about ADHD. I know he has it, he has every single classical sign of it. Its not normal to diagnose kids this young but I would rather be on top of the situation before he starts sliding backwards. This is a newish doc for us so I have no idea how she is going to respond. Cora is going in for her 6 month well baby check oh about 2 months late, oh well. There is nothing wrong with her so it will be a routine type of things and shots. I guess we will plan for a crabby Friday from her this week. She is already super crabby lately teething sucks. Carter was such a good teather we didn't even know he was teething until a tooth was in his mouth. Oliver was terrible he was already such a crabby baby and then each tooth took months to come in. It was a slow and painful process for everyone when he was cutting teeth. He is still teething at 2 1/2. I am hoping Cora is like Carter a week or so of super crabby baby and then 4 teeth come through at the same time so we can get it all over and done with fast.

Random pictures from yesterday.

Carter and I had some alone time yesterday. Oliver was at grandma's house and Cora was sleeping. So we got out the play dough. I had sewing stuff on our table so I made him use the train table.

Then Carter went to gradmas and Oliver came home. So Oliver and Cora played.

I will eat you toys!
Seriously how could you resist this face.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

A girly type of day

Today Cora and I met up with a good friend of mine Nicole from High Heels Photography. We played with light set up and different background and just did what photographers do. Cora is the perfect little model despite just learning to sit up and the floor being concrete. I can't believe my baby is sitting up already :(

Monday, January 02, 2012


A whole new year a year
A dazzling time I never knew
A new fantastic point of view
Its crystal clear
That now I am in a whole new year with you.

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